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Your Personality & Marketing Your Personal Brand

There is a famous advertising story from the 70's. Frank Perdue (the kind of chicken) stopped by the table of his ad agency president in a New York City restaurant, where the president was having lunch with another client, the President of Castro Convertible, who of course made sofas.

After Frank left the table, the Castro Pres said, "I don't understand. You do Perdue chicken? Frank Perdue is in his commercials for chicken. Why are you telling me I can't be in mine?"

"Because," answered the agency president, "you don't look like a sofa."

Yes, Perdue actually looked like the chickens he sold on television and in ads. And, it worked. Big time. The castro president didn't look like a sofa; he was more the stuffed shirt type.

We have a client who is a highly successful real estate agent in New York City. He is very, very funny, and very good at what he does. And, best of all for us, he loves going outside the box in the work we can do for him and has bought into our philosophy that you must sell yourself and gently place what you do in front of the client. The rest will happen. No hard sell. No reminding them that you want their business.

Harold has a dog Max. He loves Max more than those who are subjected to Max do. Nuff said there.

We had a shoot we were doing for another client and needed a Max dog, so Harold brought in Max and we shot this image of Harold and Max at the shoot as a little gift.

Here are some of the things Harold has allowed us to do with the Max and Harold shot. One image. Monthly opportunities for entertaining and engaging his client base with content.


A patriotic duo!

These two make a great selling team!

We all know your family feels the same way about going back to school!

Remember. You must be authentic. Every image we send out is very much 'Harold' and those who know him smile because they can sense it's him. People on the streets of New York, by the way, have stopped Harold having been forwarded one of the images or seen them on social media. Max should receive a commission from every sale Harold makes, in our humble opinion.

Be yourself. Sell yourself. People no longer buy goods and services. They buy the person selling them.

Questions, give us a holler.

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